Version 2.10
Status: | Release | |
Date: | 2024/12/26 |
Added the ability to switch between tabs using the scroll by mouse wheel.
Built in Embarcadero Delphi 12 Community Edition.
Fixed a bug where the "Stay on top" option would not be disabled until the application was restarted.
Fixed a bug where the installed visual theme was not applied to all dialog boxes.
Fixed a bug where the application was removed from startup at system startup if the settings file was damaged.
Fixed some errors in the localization of the application.
Fixed a bug when deleting a tab if the tab being deleted was active.
Fixed a bug where the main window would always come to the foreground when the application tray menu was activated.
Fixed a bug where the menu in the application title would missed.
Fixed a bug where a file with the .cmd extension was not considered an executable file.
Various minor fixes.
Removed option "Make button background transparent if there are no tabs".
FLExecutor is no longer used to run buttons with Administrator rights.
Version 2.9
Status: | Release | |
Date: | 2023/08/26 |
New option "Show on taskbar".
New "Use negative index" option in the icon selection dialog.
The algorithm for extracting icons has been updated.
Various minor fixes.
Version 2.8
Status: | Release | |
Date: | 2023/07/16 |
New tab menu item "Add (new tab)" (Ctrl + N).
New option "Turn off transparency when cursor is over window".
Added hotkey Ctrl + F1 to open "About" window.
Built in Embarcadero Delphi 11.3 Community Edition.
Fixed a bug where button tooltips were not shown if the window was not in focus.
Fixed a bug where application modals were displayed below the main window when the "Stay on top" option was enabled.
Various minor fixes.
Now only Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 10 and Windows 11 are supported.
Version 2.7
Status: | Release | |
Date: | 2022/11/20 |
When you first start FreeLaunch, the system language of the program interface is set by default.
The standard values of the new buttons can now be configured in the settings.
New item "Run as Administrator" in the context menu of the button.
New option "Theme".
New option "When reloading icons, delete the button if the object is not found".
New option "Delete shortcut file after creating a button".
New option "Show the date and time in the status bar".
New option "Make button background transparent if there are no tabs".
New option "Enable main window transparency".
New priorities in the button settings (real time, below normal, above normal).
Added automatic activation of the dark theme of the application design at the first launch, if the dark theme is enabled in the operating system settings.
Added a confirmation dialog with a request to delete a button when the object was not found.
Added "Apply" button in settings window.
The application now remembers which tab in the settings window was last opened.
Now if the object is thrown not on the button, the application looks for the nearest button and binds the object to it.
Added English help file.
Added F1 hotkey to open help file.
Added the ability to move the main application window using buttons (Alt + LMB).
Added a call to the settings window from the main application window.
The "Hide after launch" option in the button propeties is now set to OFF by default.
Updated Russian help file.
About and settings windows redesigned.
Version information is always up-to-date in the About window.
Build in Embarcadero Delphi 10.4.2 Community Edition.
The application no longer crashes if the settings file is corrupted or cannot be accessed.
Fixed a bug where path to the file was incorrectly determined on 64-bit OS.
Fixed a bug where the window was not redrawn after deleting a tab.
Fixed a bug where the window shifted relative to the right edge when there was only one tab left.
Fixed a bug where when increasing the number of rows or columns, right-clicking on new buttons called the wrong menu.
Fixed a bug where when increasing the number of rows or columns, tooltips on new buttons were not displayed.
Fixed a bug where an object was dropped not on a button.
Fixed automatic setting of status bar size for non-standard DPI screen.
Fixed handling of a system error when object not found.
Fixed OK and Cancel actions in modal windows.
Various minor fixes.
Support for Windows Vista or earlier versions of Windows has been discontinued.
Removed compatibility with settings files of old versions of the application (1.X - 2.0).
Version 2.6.5
Status: | Beta | |
Date: | 2021/03/01 |
Added a button for selecting a working folder through the folder selection dialog.
By default, the panel is hidden after the button is pressed. That is, the checkbox "Hide at startup" is set automatically when creating a button.
The program interface is simplified. If there is only one bookmark with buttons left in the program, then the bookmarks are hidden, and the background of the buttons becomes transparent.
In portable mode, the environment variables FL_DIR and FL_ROOT are automatically substituted in the path.
Removed support for custom button colors.